Friday, July 07, 2006

One Year Ago Today......

London is a bit of a sad city today, as it remembers the first anniversary of the suicide bombing on 7 July 2005. This day last year, London first woke up to the good news from the previous day that the city has been selected to host the Olympics in 2012; and then the whole city plunged from the happiest city on this planet to the saddest one, with the four suicide bombers murdering 52 people and injuring many more.

I still don't know what the suicide bombers tried to achieve - if the point is to inflict fear, then I don't think they have succeeded; Londoners are stronger than that. If the objective is to get people onto their side for whatever their cause is, then they failed miserably too. If anything, it has made me love London more.

I have no problem that they express their opinions, but hiding behind religion and killing innocent people, I certainly don't approve (and I don't think Islam would approve that either).


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