Re-discovering old school friends
Do you still keep in touch with many of your old mates from school? For me, I certainly haven't been doing that - it would have been nice with some people but then it's not easy when everyone in the world becomes so mobile these days. Trying to think backwards and see who I still keep in touch with....
From university days - well, my friend Steve D has just emigrated to New Zealand with his wife and daughter (see what I mean about people being mobile?!). Alice L is still around in the UK and I get to see her and her family once in a blue moon (she lives on the other side of London).
From school in the UK, I am afraid I've lost touch with everyone by now - gradually lost touch with the handful of people because of all the moves we've all been doing over the years.

Having said that, this year has been pretty interesting for me in rediscovering what some of my old friends are doing. At Jeremy's wedding, I met up with Ronald M whom I haven't seen for over 20 years! We only managed a brief chat (I was too busy running around like a headless chicken at the wedding) but it's interesting that we found something in common to talk about (OK, it's work-related but still.....)
And thanks to the internet. I stumbled across the names of two good friends from my primary school years by pure accident (lost touch with them since I left Hong Kong, a shame really) - Chris Ko who seems to be working for a Chinese radio station in Canada, and Agnes Man who is a part-time singer/songwriter for Christian contemporary music. Always knew that Agnes was a musical talent even at school, and it's really nice to see that she's already released two albums. OK, I may not be a Christian and so you would probably think that I have a biased view if I say something good about her albums. But from what I've heard from her website so far, the songs she has composed are way better than some of the so-called chart music, and this lady has such an angelic voice that she puts some of the singers to shame.
Now I wonder who I'll rediscover next?
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