Shaking hand with four-time Oscar winner

It was an event organised by the Animation Art Gallery in London, and there were security guys at the door checking the names of the people on the guestlist. Fortunately I was on the list (well, buying some stuff there helps!). This was the second time I met Nick Park (the last one was back in 2000 I think, when I met him, Peter Sallis, Dave Sproxton and Peter Lord), and as usual he came across as a shy, quiet and modest man, but in my eyes he's pure genius.

I waited for well over an hour before I got a chance to say a quick hello and congratulate both heroes on their success of their latest masterpiece. Got my pictures signed, and I also got the DVD and my book from the 10th anniversary W&G exhibition in Japan signed too - so I was just totally over the moon. Felt a bit guilty asking Nick to sign these extra things though. I was in a bit of a trance at the time I think - not often I'd

My only regret was that I didn't really say anything more to Nick or Steve really - I suppose I was just lost for words when I was standing in front of them. Still, I knew there was still a long queue of people behind me, and it wouldn't be fair to hold up and delay these two great guys leaving the gallery and going home.....
I wonder how long I'll have to wait before the next Wallace and Gromit film comes out, but I am already looking forward to it!
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